Yin Yoga for Renewal
Full Length Yin Yoga
An inspired practice that uses Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) meridians liver and gallbladder that make up the wood element. Physically the poses will work the inner legs and hips, and sides of the body. Energetically we'll be inviting in abundance, growth and joy; releasing feelings of anger and frustration that can often be associated with an out of balance wood element.
Props required: Blocks and a bolster could be handy.
Up Next in Full Length Yin Yoga
1st Chakra Yin yoga
The first Yin Yoga class in my Chakra series. A grounding and nourishing class focussing on getting heavy but relaxed in the lower body and light in the upper body
Stomach and Spleen Yin for Calm
The stomach and spleen meridians run up the front and inner legs then one travels to the top of the stomach and the other to the front of the shoulders (spleen). We begin with some myofascial work followed by a sequence that starts with a yang sequence to awaken and shift dormant energy. We then ...
Yin Yoga for the Functional Back Line
This area stretching from the base of the shoulder blades down to the backs of the knees really feels it after any sort of athletic training. Enjoy a release for the functional backline and be ready to move back into 'life' with ease afterwards. Props required: 2 blocks, bolster, blankets, or sim...