30 Day Detox
These classes are categorised into 4 weeks worth of classes to provide you with movement that aligns with the detoxification process. You'll find Hatha, Vinyasa, yin yoga and barre classes that will help you clear toxins, rejuvenate your cells, kickstart your metabolism, restore your energy, and reset your mind and body. Let's get started!
Be sure to read my detox blog posts that align with these classes over on the website.
Week 4 Detox - Overview
Join me as I give you a brief overview of week 4.
'Love your Liver' chat
Hannah is a wealth of knowledge in the health, wellness and plant based nutrition space. Listen as we chat about loving our livers and what we can do to help cleanse this hard working organ. Check out Hannah's website A Nourishing Notion for her products and services.
Detox, week 2. Pranayama, yoga asana and meditation
This week pranayama is alternate nostril breathing to cultivate a sense of balance and ease. The yoga asana has sun salutations like last week, and a few extra poses to stimulate the abdominals, stomach and liver. Finishing with a simple meditation to leave you feeling calm and grounded.
Week 4 Detox - Yin Yoga Practice
A short 'go-to' yin practice to stimulate kidney qi/energy. Great for immunity and general well-being. A very calming and grounding practice.
Week 4 Detox - pranayama, yoga and meditation practice
A full-length class including breath, sun salutations, standing poses to support detoxification. Gentle core, back bending and hip openers, as well as inversions and savasana. A short meditation to symbolise interconnectedness with everyone and everything.
30 Day Detox - Week 3 Overview with Jane
30 day detox: week 3 overview
30 Day Detox Yoga Practice - Week 3
In this third week of our detox, we add in a few new postures including a shoulder stand, which is an inversion that helps to jumpstart the metabolism. Inversions are a great way to stimulate circulation through the entire body and this one also specifically helps to regulate thyroid function. I ...
Detox - Week 2 Overview
A quick chat about week 2's focusses and some information around fats, fruit and increasing physical exercise this week
30-day Detox Week One Yoga Sequence
Begin with a tutorial on Nauli breath, pranayama including ujjayi breath. A 15-minute asana (movement) including sun salutation A and B, followed by a short savasana and guided meditation. Try to do this practice 5-7 times in week one. If you are short on time, break it up by doing the pranayama ...
30-day Detox Overview with Jane
Please take the time to watch this video which will give you insight into all the goodness I share with you during this 30 day detox. I can't WAIT to get started!