30 Day Detox Yoga Practice - Week 3
30 Day Detox
In this third week of our detox, we add in a few new postures including a shoulder stand, which is an inversion that helps to jumpstart the metabolism. Inversions are a great way to stimulate circulation through the entire body and this one also specifically helps to regulate thyroid function. I do, of course, offer modifications, and you could break this class in half, doing pranayama and sun salutations in the morning, standing poses, stretch and meditation in the evening... make it work for you!
*This class can be done on its own as a great class or in conjunction with the 30 day detox
Up Next in 30 Day Detox
Detox - Week 2 Overview
A quick chat about week 2's focusses and some information around fats, fruit and increasing physical exercise this week
30-day Detox Week One Yoga Sequence
Begin with a tutorial on Nauli breath, pranayama including ujjayi breath. A 15-minute asana (movement) including sun salutation A and B, followed by a short savasana and guided meditation. Try to do this practice 5-7 times in week one. If you are short on time, break it up by doing the pranayama ...
30-day Detox Overview with Jane
Please take the time to watch this video which will give you insight into all the goodness I share with you during this 30 day detox. I can't WAIT to get started!