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Detox - Week 2 Overview
30 Day Detox
9m 2s
A quick chat about week 2's focusses and some information around fats, fruit and increasing physical exercise this week
Up Next in 30 Day Detox
30-day Detox Week One Yoga Sequence
Begin with a tutorial on Nauli breath, pranayama including ujjayi breath. A 15-minute asana (movement) including sun salutation A and B, followed by a short savasana and guided meditation. Try to do this practice 5-7 times in week one. If you are short on time, break it up by doing the pranayama ...
30-day Detox Overview with Jane
Please take the time to watch this video which will give you insight into all the goodness I share with you during this 30 day detox. I can't WAIT to get started!