Move in '10'

This series is created with love for:
A. those who are in a busy period and have limited time - this is for you.
B. those who have another physical activity that you're passionate about and have limited time for cross-training - this is for you.
C. those who don't have the confidence just yet to do a full length class - this is for you.
We have many stories that hold us back from regular movement. This series is super accessible with the time commitment minimal and modifications offered. I guarantee that by the time you complete this series you will have improved confidence, feel stronger, and created good habits to set you up to move regularly if you're not doing so already.

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  • Get Going in 10: part 2

  • Get Going in 10: part 3

    This barre inspired class has a dynamic warm-up and standing series before some table top variations, side lying ballet legs and a beautiful stretch to finish. Give it 100%, it's only 10 minutes after all!

  • Get going in 10: part 1

    Using sliders, paper plates or make do without we do some creative roll downs to plank before exploring the rotation of the shoulders. Standing lunges will fire the glutes and legs before a little planking and upper back work on our tummies. Give it 100%, it's only 10 minutes after all!

  • Bonus Abs

    This short session is a great one to add onto another challenge session if you're wanting to work for a little longer, also great if you're low on time! A creative combo of abdominal focused movements - focus on your foundations and feel yourself build strength every time you visit this session!

  • Pilates Core and Breathe Fundamentals

    What appears to be a very simple sequence made challenging with a focus on diaphragmatic breathing. One to revisit regularly!

  • Mini Full body 1.1

    This full body workout has a real focus on the core

  • Mini Abs 1.0

    A combination of planks and supine work to fire the abs

  • Mini Arms 1.1

    A combination of dynamic movements and small isometric movements to bring heat to the upper body

  • Mini Full body

    This full body workout covers plank variations and creative abs

  • Mini Arms

    Optional use of weights for this upper body focussed class.

  • Mini Glutes 1.0

    A creative glute focussed series that will work the whole body

  • Mini Glutes 1.1

    A bridge focused class!

  • mini-workout-challenge.pdf

    93.7 KB

    Your guide to the mini workout challenge